Sunday 7 April 2013

Fly, let's fly, let's fly away!

A warm hello to you reader of the world!

So this our second ever post, if you want to find out more about us read our first welcoming post!
Today's post will look at our opinion on the importance of flies. In our opinion, they should be extinct. So here's some fly facts to get us started on the reasons why:

-There are over 300,000 species of flies one of which being the common house fly. They are annoying to say the least.
-The average house fly lives about 30 days.
-Flies lay up to 3,000 eggs in their lifetime of one month. If you're waiting for that fly in your house to die in a month, you have bigger problems in about 14 after the eggs are laid, you'll have up to 3,000 flies.
-Flies only have 2 wings. Most insects have 4. Their wings beat up to 200 times per second and they stop immediately when their feet land.
-Flies have over 4,000 lenses per eye (2 eyes per fly) but they have terrible vision. They do, however, detect movement.
-Flies lay eggs on their food. This also could possibly be your food too.
-Flies vomit on food before eating it. They can only consume liquids so their vomit is a tool to liquefy their food.
-Flies poop every 4-5 minutes.
So, flies don't hurt you with a sting or bite but they carry plenty of diseases with them, vomit, lay eggs and poop on you and/or your food. Gross right?! So those are the reasons why they should not ever even exist. So get out that fly swatter now! But what if you've already named your housefly?

Meet Glynn:

Glynn is just an ordinary fly with all the features as named above. But he has a name, so you feel a slight attachment to him don't you? The fact that this fly has a name makes him seem all the more like a friend, and as though he has a use to you in some way. You're thinking: " I can't swat this fly! He might have a family and friends and children... WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!!"
So the conclusion of this post our dear reader is, flies have no good features. They have no need for existence. Do not make friends out of your common housefly residents, and do not name them! The fact is, once something has a name, no matter what it is, what features it has, how annoying it is you simply will not be able to unattach yourself from it without a good deal of willpower. And this can apply to any situation, anytime you,re having a clearout of junk, for example during your clearout you find that old, broken, childhood toy that you just cannot let go of because it has a name. Be strong reader and let it go! And for future reference, do not name stuff that you know you don't want keep.

Saturday 6 April 2013



I'm joking don't fear. But here we are, our first ever blog!

.............ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR 'DOGSDOWNTHEROAD' (<< that's our blog name).............

So we've started this blog to get our thoughts about the world, out to the world, and would love it if you would care to join us on this little jolly we're embark on. (Haha get it? Embark?! No? Ok then...) And you've got this far so why not join us all the way?

Anyways, you're probably wondering who 'we' are by now. So there's two of us behind this, Brother and Sister. And that's really all there is to it! We can't really think of much more to this first post to be honest, there's not really anything either of us need to get out to the world.

So ta-ta for now person of the world! We'll be back soon for our first rant/congrat on the world.